The 70-year-old Perry Kotsk is the latest lottery millionaire in Rockland County. Kotzker received a $ 1,000,000 jackpot with a Wild Numbers scratch ticket.

"I dropped by a store outside the main street and decided to buy a ticket when I went," Kotzker said. "I knew that I grabbed the ticket and won, so I took it to the clerk to check it."

Kotzker purchased a winning lottery ticket from Palisades Parkway Service Inc., located in Palisades Interstate Parkway in Tappan. He chooses to receive a $ 1,000,000 bonus in a single payment, and after deducting the required amount, he will receive a total net check of $ 510,568.

"My plan includes family cruises and investments in future grandchildren," Kotzker says.

As of this writing, Wild Numbers tickets have two top awards. Players can view the status of the New York Rotoscratch game by clicking the Instant Game Report link at the official website.

Kotzkar, the 28th New York Lottery Company, will receive over $ 1 million in prize money this year.

In the 2017-2018 fiscal year, the New York lottery company donated $ 34,693,393 to the Rockland County school district with lottery assistance.

About the New York Lottery

The New York Lottery continued to be the largest and most profitable lottery in North America and donated $ 3.37 billion to support education in New York State in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Lottery donations accounted for approximately 13% of the total educational aid provided by the local school district to the state.

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